Sunday, July 15, 2012

One Year Ago Today

A year ago right now, I was lying in an operating waiting room, prepped for surgery, and when I awoke, my body was all jumbled up and stapled shut, and I didn't feel well for a long time.

I naively thought I would be running again six weeks postop, and that a little surgery wasn't going to get in the way of my love of the outdoors.  I didn't realize how big of a surgery it was, and six weeks later I could still barely walk around, never mind run!

In the fall I thought I would be ready, but I often felt sick after running, I had vertigo if my heartrate was too high, and I just didn't feel right.  I wondered if I would ever feel normal again.  I felt like a fraud teaching fitness classes when I couldn't even do the exercises myself, but I am so grateful that the owner of the local fitness centre looked past my scars and gave me a chance to teach classes.  She didn't care that I was out of shape, and her confidence in me gave me the confidence to move forward with teaching fitness, when I had been so close to just giving up on the whole thing.

This morning I ran for 50 minutes and it felt great, and I think my body is finally ready to take on some challenges.  If I would have known that it was going to take a year to get back to normal, I never would have believed it.

I can't wait to see what the next year has in store!

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