Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The first day of school has always been a favorite - new pencils, fresh clothes, smiling faces (other than the grumpy high schoolers I saw walking down the road this morning!), but I always wonder what kind of year it's going to be. It seems to get more difficult as the kids get older.

We put this kids into a different school, hoping for a Christian Education and smaller class sizes, but when we arrived there had been a bunch of new registrations and Elizabeth's class was the same size as the year before - 16. She then started to cry because she didn't know anyone. Truthfully, she did know two of the kids in her class, but it wasn't like Robina Baker where she would have known everyone in her class.

And then there was Matthew - we walked into his classroom and he immediately spotted Owen, his "nemesis" (Matthew's word) from grade 3. It looked like his class had grown as well.

So I went home and cried, because Matthew seemed upset about Owen and Elizabeth was crying. Why had I even switched schools? Matthew could have been a senior kid at Robina Baker, he could have done track and cross country, and Elizabeth would have been happy with her gaggle of girlfriends. But then I had to remember the big picture - they were going to get a solid Christian Education, the teachers really seemed to care, and they had to learn that saying the Lord's Prayer every morning in school wasn't a bad thing.

Like a paranoid parent, I snuck over at lunchtime to see how they were doing. Matthew and Owen were laughing and running together on the playground, and Elizabeth was jumping on Matthew's back.

Silly me.

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