Saturday, September 29, 2012

Qi Deficient

My trainer suggested that I try acupuncture to help release my tight hips.  I have never been a big fan of the thought of someone poking needles into my body, but my trainer has never steered me wrong, and so I went after my training session on Friday.

I had met the acupuncturist before at a function with my trainer, so I already knew who she was and I really liked her.  She took the time to explain the procedures, and after many questions, asked me to lay on the table while she poked a bunch of needles into me.

I'm happy to say that I hardly felt any of the needles going in (other than the ones into the tops of my feet).  My back had one spasm and my right glute had a big spasm, but once they were all in, it actually felt kind of nice. 

As I relaxed, my acupuncurist made me a concoction of various Chinese herbs - known as "Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang" when they are all mixed together.  Drinking this mixture twice a day is supposed to bring my Qi levels back to normal - to a point where everything in my body is working in harmony again.

After researching this Chinese medicine stuff, I became very intrigued with how the Chinese have been practicing this medicine for thousands of years, and how it all makes perfect sense.  How often have we gone to a regular doctor with this ailment or that complaint, only to have drugs prescribed within 5 minutes and then be ushered out the door?  While in many cases synthetic drugs are justified, how many of our ailments could be cured purely by eating a better diet and practicing some alternative medicine? 

And don't even get me started on what stress does to our bodies....I don't think most of us even realize how are bodies feel when they are functioning at an optimal level.  We're all too sleep-deprived, hopped up on caffeine, ruled by our to-do lists, and we are ignoring the malourished cry from our insides....from the only body we will have while on this earth.

My acupuncturist also suggested I try wheatgrass to help improve my iron levels (which have always been deficient and for which I take a supplement).  I would have laughed at the prospect a few years ago (organic-schmorganic, I say!), but the benefits seem to be amazing. 

I'll check in a week from now....after another acupuncture session and a week on Qi-boosting tea and wheatgrass, and see if there's anytruth to this hippy-dippy lifestyle.

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